Meet the Good Witch

Like everyone,  I am many things – a mother, daughter, student, teacher, acupuncturist, herbalist, artist, traveler, psychonaut, an intuitive, and the list goes on. But, really I’m just a human who wants to live a life infused with meaning. I want to improve not only my own life and that of my son, but the lives of others and the world in which we live. 

Over the years,  I’ve struggled to find the intersection point of the parts of myself that I believe to be worth sharing with the world. My personal journey has been to stay mindful of the world view I want to cultivate both within myself and within the collective, and to continue to align my actions with greater meaning towards that end.

And it’s been a hell of a ride.

Some of the roads I have taken have been dead ends, while other have profoundly moved me, ultimately shaping my values and belief systems around what it means to be human and what our responsibilities are to those who walk with us on this planet, as well as to the planet itself.

Out of this, the path has started to unfold in front of me, and, while it is certainly not the more traditional one that my mother might have chosen for me, I can tell by the way it stirs what’s inside of me that I’m moving in the right direction.

What is the impact I hope to make? I want to help people through the hard times, and to hold a safe space where “healing” means more than just treatment. I want to help the people who help others, and contribute to humanitarian work by supporting sustainability in movements within the self, as well as within social and societal structures and institutions. My hope is that through my work, I can leave the world a little bit better than I found it.

That’s it. 
Thanks for being here, hope to see you soon!


Click here to read more about my personal journey.

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