The Earth Person
Personality traits and characteristics of an Earth archetype person
Those governed by the element of earth are deeply rooted people with who seem to almost instinctively provide grounding and nourishment to those they share the earth with. They have warm personalities and often serve as a touch stone for their community because of their love of gathering people together around the table at any opportunity to nourish their bodies, create or learn something new, or simply connect with one another. They are relationship driven people who believe that community connection, mutual aid, and shared resources are the path to our fullest potential.
They have an immense capacity for devotion and dedication to projects and relationships, though in partnerships they can be stubborn and difficult to move at times. They are slow in pace but deeply considerate and thoughtful of the direction and impact of their movement in life, and do best not to be rushed or questioned. An earth persons propensity to overthink often leads them to feel as if they have already thought about everything that you possibly could think about a problem or situation, as well as many other things that you probably would never think of, thus making it difficult to advise or guide them at times.
These people are deeply reflective and insightful on the past, yet they maintain a soft focus on the horizon and linger as long as possible in the present moment. This heightened awareness of the broader scope of time to creates a more spacious here and now, allowing them to be more generous with their time, attention, and energy. They move through the world guided by a strong sense of integrity, intention, and purpose. Much like the Empress, they gently tend to their work and relationships like a garden - preparing, planting, observing, nurturing, cutting back, planning, preserving. Earth people are acutely aware of the spiral nature of existence and observant of the subtle but profound shifts that occur as they alter their approach to find ease and grace through the cycles. It is the energy of the earth that grants us the agency to step forward and offer our unique gifts to the world.
Within the context of the wheel of the year, earth energy is the pivot point between the light and the dark, the golden hour of the energetic cycle where all that has been done shines in the fading sun as we pause in observant consideration of that is working and what is not, formulating adjustments of future plans to better suit the requirements of the landscape and ecosystem. It’s a time of appreciation and reflection as well as planning and preparation, all pulled into a quiet moment of rest. Like the golden glow of the late afternoon sun and the weight of a mid August day, Earth energy is slow, dense, and, with one foot in the light and one in the dark, holds and incandescence which arises from the contrast it is able to embody.
Earth people live in the liminal spaces, between what was and what is becoming. The most potent expression of their energy can be found in the late summer as the days grow shorter, the light fades, and we prepare to turn inward for winter, but in truth their energy can be found in all moments of transition, like the top of the inhale and the bottom of the exhale. Though the Earth person is highly attuned to cycles and patterns and tends to resist change in their personal life, preferring the predictability of routine over the excitement of spontaneity, it is indeed in times of transitions that their ability to hold center and stabilize themselves and others proves the most useful. As such, they are often asked to help hold major transitions in the lives of those around them, a pattern which young Earth people will often struggle under the weight of. In time, they will develop skills and discretion around setting and maintaining boundaries that will allow them to hold only what they are comfortably able.
Balanced Expression
When in balance, these people have a gift for effective boundaries and borders. They instinctively recognize that setting boundaries and expressing their needs is a signal of safety to those in their community, and that they have the capability to shift culture in this way. They are often skilled in meeting challenging dynamics or energies with steady strength drawn from the softness of their open heart and demonstrate an immense capacity to lovingly hold the line. Earth people are gifted at seeing others in their entirety and reflecting back to them the tender things that they see in a purposeful way that makes people feel seen and supported rather than judged or attacked. These people have an innate understanding that we all carry the weight of our shadow, and we each struggle with that burden in our own way and in our own time. They are compassionate, safe people who often hold the position of trusted confidant and secret keeper within their circles, a post which they hold with honor.
Imbalanced Expressions
When out of balance, they have a tendency to over serve the people in their life energetically, and will find themselves burnt out and resentful. If they get pulled too far from the present moment through current or past trauma, they can easily get caught in their heads replaying and overthinking the past or worrying about an unknown future. With a gift of insight that provides them with more information than they were given, they must learn to recognize when they should keep their thoughts to themselves or risk making others feel exposed or violated. As natural givers, it is easy for them to confuse being helpful with doing the work for someone, and they might stretch themselves to the point that their own comfort, agency, health, or wellbeing is being sacrificed. Because they are peacekeepers who are willing to extend themselves for others, they are susceptible to manipulation and narcissistic abuse, though they rarely succumb to it long term, largely due to the fact that this type of dynamic will unground an earth person in a catastrophic and unsustainable way, sending them spiraling into an upward-moving vortex of anxiety, resentment, and rage.
People of the Earth element hold a tremendous gift for providing support for people and projects, and are challenged with balancing that gift with their own needs and limitations. Because this gift is drawn directly up from the Earth herself, they will find nature to be the most stabilizing force in their lives. Drawn to it in all that they do, they will do best to live where all four seasons express themselves fully and to stay mindful of the lunar cycles, taking note of the subtle shifts that arise within and around them as the wheel turns. The more these people are able to attune to the rhythms of the earth, the more they will step into their most potent expression.