The Water Person
Personality and characteristics of the Water archetype
Water people are highly dynamic individuals who can vary greatly in their demeanor and expression depending on the moment and environment. On the surface, they are highly adaptable and, due in part to their ability to naturally take the shape of any container they are in, generally well liked people. While they possess a gift for shapeshifting, they are far from superficial or artificial people.
Below the surface, these are acutely perceptive, emotional individuals who search for deeper meaning in even the most mundane aspects of life. They are captivated by the mystery of the unknown and search for answers to their many questions through philosophy, theology, science, religion, and other thought vortices. Because they experience the full range of their emotions in profoundly sincere ways, they must learn to cultivate softness and fluidity in navigating their inner world so as not to get swept up in the waves when their emotional tide is high. This same depth of experience, however, grants them an immense capacity for emotional connection and fulfillment in relationships and projects. Poetic and romantic in perspective, Water people make charming strangers, enchanting companions, compelling leaders, and captivating lovers. It is the energy of Water that gives glimmer to the fabric of the universe, reminding us how it is all connected and that we have the ability to call on support and guidance from far beyond our world. Water is what allows us to believe in magic.
People governed by the element of Water highly sensitive to the more subtle realms of existence and are blessed with an irrefutable intuitive knowing and connection to the divine. With a vivd appreciation pf symbolism and metaphor, they are lead through life as if following sign posts left by their guides in the spirit realm. Many Metal people possess powerful psychic gifts and hold an oracle like presence, and so they are called on by their community when work of the spirit is at hand. Prolific dreamers, they draw guidance and insight from their dream state, and as an extension of this are prone to losing touch with reality at times. Attracted to the more mysterious aspects of existence, it is not uncommon for Water people to search for answers to their questions in some of the darker corners of of the human experience, particularly when they are young. As they mature, they are more likely to develop a relationship to ritual, divination, and ceremony which will help to provide the structure they need for their watery emotional world.
Water people hold the gift of reflection and must master the paradox of duality that exists within it in order to truly step into their full potential. When in alignment with their elemental gift, they are they are thoughtful, observant, and insightful of their own inner world. If their personal reflections are clear and they can objectively see their own behaviors, thought processes, and impact, they are able to recognize patterns within themselves and adjust accordingly to better fit their values and belief systems. This same gift, however, can be challenging to maneuver in relation to the outer world. For better or for worse, other people will consciously or unconsciously project themselves onto water people, who are prone to taking on the characteristics of those with whom they are in close to. These projections can be difficult for a Water person to identify and can cause distortions in their self image, particularly when they are young or have not yet developed an understanding of the way people respond to their energy or skills to manage the outcomes. Until then, they might perceive their self reflections as confusing, inaccurate, or unreliable, which will in turn cause them to struggle to make good judgements on the character of themselves or others. Prone to misplaced trust and self loathing, a loss of sense of self can leave them emotionally vulnerable in a way that makes them susceptible to manipulation, coercion, or abuse.
Balanced Expressions
When in balance, Water people are curious, profound, engaging, and dynamic. They are able to hold many truths simultaneously and move through life with an intense sense of connection and awareness. They carry themselves with an air of magic and mystery and possess a deeply generative quality that seeps into the hearts and minds of those they love, thus weaving a thread of magic through all of their relationships and experiences. They are attuned to emotions of others and able to respond to challenges with gentle fluidity, allowing them to move around any obstacle with grace and ease.
Imbalanced Expressions
People aligned with this element carry an energy that has the power to breathe life into the spirits of those they encounter, but can also be a bit unpredictable and even dangerous at times. They are susceptible to self medicating high tides with substance and might struggle to align with the accepted paradigms, causing them to retreat and isolate if they find themselves unable to show up authentically in situations that don’t align with their sense of self or carefully curated belief systems. If they are not able to differentiate themselves from the outside reflections the receive, they will lose themselves and confusion and fear will seep in. This is a dangerous emotional state for Water people who are predisposed to disassociation, disembodiment, and loss of sense of self. Under these circumstances they have the tendency to freeze and the potential to drown in the swirling waters of their emotions.
Water is the element that gives life to the earth, and with great power comes great responsibility. The work of a Water person lies within, and they must learn not to be distracted by everything they see reflected on the surface. The more clear they become on the truth of their identity, character, and spirit, the more still the water will become.
Focus on what you know to be true.