What is Elemental Healing?

The essence of Chinese Medical theory lies in inter-being. 

As much as we as a species have tried to separate and position ourselves above the other creatures of earth, as some sort of superior beast that has evolved to be something greater than just a bipedal mammal, we are as much a part of nature as we have ever been. Without the cycle of the sun, clean water and air, or plants for medicine and food, we would simply shrivel back into non-existence. In essence, this biological miracle of a meat suit that our spirits walk around in is essentially nothing more than a clump of carbon giving structure to what would otherwise be a limp rubber glove full of oxygen and mineral rich water with a few rocks in it. 

My intention is not to be hyperbolic here; by my measure there is tremendous relief in this knowledge. It absolves us from the sense of “otherness” or pressure of exceptionalism as a species and reduces us down to our most fundamental existence –  to the same elements that make up every living thing on this planet. We are subject to the same rhythms and suffer the same imbalances as a clump of moss or ancient oak or a disgusting slime mold. If we get too dry we crack, excess fluid always settles in low places, heat always rises upwards, and enough cold will make any living thing stiff and brittle. 

Within the framework of 5 phases theory, everything in the natural world can be classified into 5 interrelated and interdependent categories according to the qualities and characteristics that they hold. These categories are the elemental associations of earth, metal, water, wood, and fire.

Each of us contains all five elements within us, though most often one or two are dominant in our personality. These dominant expressions reflect our elemental constitution type, and can guide us towards greater insight on the points of resistance or imbalance in our bodies, thought processes, emotional states, behavior patterns, and relationships.

Likewise, the seasons embody the expression of their corresponding element as well. The intuitive wisdom of the system can be seen in the way the plants reach for the light in the spring and kinetic energy of a summer day, reflecting their respective elements of wood and fire. These elemental categories can be expanded upon in their related season to include organ systems, body tissues, emotions, thought patterns, tastes, smells, sounds, colors, and countless other associations that can guide us to a place of heightened awareness and greater alignment with the natural cycles of the earth, creating more space in our lives for growth and abundance.

Elemental healing is what happens when the body, mind, and soul are observed in their entirety and within context of the natural world. It observes patterns, traces to the root, and stays aware of its impact on relationships and systems. It is a life long learning process, but it isn’t about changing your whole world all at once. It’s about bringing your attention to the points of connection between you and a larger expression of life and making small shifts toward greater alignment until the course has changed entirely. It is a subtle but powerful medicine, and it is available to all us. 


The 5 Elemental Archetypes


Meet the Good Witch: An Origin Story